NGK Spark Plugs

Ford Focus Spark Plugs & Glow Plugs

Application Sub-Application Manufacturer Model Vehicle Type Vehicle Year
passenger ford focus 1.0 t ecoboost 2012 -
passenger ford focus 1.5 t 2015 -
passenger ford focus 1.5 t 2015 -
passenger ford focus 1.6 c-max 2004 -
passenger ford focus 1.6 i 2003 -
passenger ford focus 1.6 i 2011 -
passenger ford focus 1.6 l 1995 -
passenger ford focus 1.6 tdci 2005 -
passenger ford focus 1.6 tdi 2011 -
passenger ford focus 1.7 st 2003 -
passenger ford focus 1.8 c-max 2003 -
passenger ford focus 1.8 i 2003 -
passenger ford focus 1.8 i 2006 -
passenger ford focus 1.8 i 2006 -
passenger ford focus 1.8 tdci 1998 - 2004
passenger ford focus 1.8 tdci 2005 -
passenger ford focus 2.0 16v 1998 -
passenger ford focus 2.0 16v 2004 -
passenger ford focus 2.0 16v 2006 -
passenger ford focus 2.0 16v 2009 -
passenger ford focus 2.0 c-max 2004 -
passenger ford focus 2.0 gdi 2011 - 2015
passenger ford focus 2.0 i 2011 -
passenger ford focus 2.0 st 2012 -
passenger ford focus 2.0 st 170 2004 -
passenger ford focus 2.0 tdci 2004 - 2007
passenger ford focus 2.0 tdci 2011 -
passenger ford focus 2.3 rs 2012 -
passenger ford focus 2.3 st 2005 - 2006
passenger ford focus 2.5 rs 2010 -
passenger ford focus 2.5 st 2006 -
Capacity Cylinder Engine Gap Recommended Alternative Image
1000 3 m1da 0,7 silznar8c-7h ilnar8b7g
1500 4 m9da 0,7 ilnar8b7g silznar8c-7h
1500 4 m8da 0,7 ilnar8b7g silznar8c-7h
1600 4 duratec 1,3 tr5b-13
1600 4 duratec hwda 1,3 tr5b-13
1600 4 pnda 1,3 tr5b-13
1600 4 z6 1,1 bkr5e-11
1600 4 g8da,g8ba dura ye05
1600 4 td1da/ td1db y8001as
2000 4 zh20 1,3 ptr5a-13 tr5b-13
1800 4 duratec-he csda csdb 1,3 itr6f-13 bpr6efs-15
1800 4 duratec scda,scdb 1,3 itr6f-13 bpr6efs-15
1800 4 qqda duratec 1,3 tr6ap-13e bpr6ef-13
1800 4 qqdd duratec 1,3 tr6ap-13e
1800 4 endura,durator y-524j
1800 4 y-1005j
2000 4 zetec 1,3 tr5b-13
2000 4 duratec 1,3 itr6f-13 bpr6efs-15
2000 4 syda duratec 1,3 itr6f-13 bpr6efs-15
2000 4 duratec-he sfi 1,3 itr6f-13 bpr6efs-15
2000 4 aoda aodb 1,3 itr6f-13 bpr6efs-15
2000 4 tpwa 0,8 iltr6g-8g
2000 4 xqda 0,9 ltr6bi-9
2000 4 r9da 0,8 ltr6di-8
2000 4 alda duretec 0,8 iltr6a-8g tr6b-10
2000 4 g6da,g6db,g6dd y-1005j
2000 4 txdb y8001as
2300 4 c23hdod 0,8 ltr6di-8
2300 4 duratec l4z 1,3 itr6f-13 bpr6efs-15
2500 5 jzda 0,8 ilfr6b lfr6b
2500 5 b5254t4 hyda duratec 0,8 ilfr6b

* Rows that are mustard coloured denotes diesel engines

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P.O. Box 8156, Elandsfontein, 1406

Tel: 0861 835 645